January 17, 2020 2 min read

Choosing litter

Every cat has slightly different preferences when it comes to the type of litter used. However, most cats are simple in their tastes. A fine-grained clay litter will be acceptable to most cats. Our personal tastes may run to fragranced litters or silicone crystals. Try a few different litters in separate boxes and see which ones your cats want to use. You may find that your single cat likes two kinds, or that each cat in your multi-cat home has a unique favourite. Overall, litter should be easy to scratch around in, gentle on your cat’s feet and easy to scoop out. It may take a little trial and error to find out what suits your cat best. Ask the assistants at Family Pet Centre for various options.


For all-round hygiene, scoop out the litterbox daily to remove solid matter, and thoroughly clean the litterbox once a week. Use a disinfectant to prevent the spread of bacteria and change the litter at least once a week.


Cats like a bit of privacy, much like we do, when nature calls. Your cat needs to feel safe when toileting, and she should not be disturbed in any way. This means litterboxes need to be in quiet parts of the home where there is very little activity. They should also be in different parts of the home – remember, cats like options! This is another factor that may require some experimentation to discover your cat’s preference. If you have resident dogs, you may want to hinder their access to litterboxes. Not only will dogs interfere with a cat’s sense of security, but they’re also naturally fond of cat faeces (because a cat’s diet is higher in protein than a dog’s). Not only is this unpleasant for human companions, but consuming litter is unlikely to be good for your dog.

Lastly, make sure the litterboxes are placed well away from your cat’s eating and drinking areas; this is for hygiene reasons, but also because cats understandably don’t like mixing eating with toileting.


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